HAPPY NEW YEAR to our wonderful customers and community and welcome to the summer edition of our newsletter. Our goal is to keep you up to date with what’s happening, what new products and specials are available, and provide you with health and wellbeing tips for your family. It’s that time of year again—goodbye lazy beach days, hello lunchbox duty! Read on as we have some great tips, recipes and hacks to help elevate your daily lunch making routine.
Welcome to the December and Christmas edition of our newsletter. Check out our new products, specials and Christmas giveaways, as well as our Christmas Trading hours.
Welcome to the October edition of our newsletter. Our goal is to keep you up to date with what’s happening, what new products and specials are available, and provide you with health and wellbeing tips for your family.
Welcome to the Spring edition of our regular newsletter, although unfortunately it hasn’t been so regular lately. However, we plan to ensure it is going forward as change is in the air. Our goal is to keep you up to date with what’s happening, what new products and specials are available, and provide you with health and wellbeing tips for your family.
Welcome to this December and Christmas issue of our regular newsletter.
Welcome to our newsletter, which unfortunately isn’t so regular these days! It seems to be becoming a seasonal newsletter and here is our Winter one, full of seasonal information on colds and flu’s, plastic free July and other interesting info! The passing of the Winter Solstice marks the rising of Matariki in the sky which is the beginning of the Maori New Year. Traditionally it is a time of transition, reflection and celebration, it is also a good time for us all to have gratitude and reflect on our own journeys, remember and honour those who have New Products passed and to celebrate together with family and friends.
Welcome to the December and Christmas issue of our regular newsletter. As the year comes to an end, we can often feel stressed and exhausted with so much to do and organise! The different experiences we have all had over the last two years have made it a trying and challenging time for many as well. Read more on ways we can help you deal with end of year stress and check out our Trading hours and Delivery times too.
Welcome to the Spring edition of our regular newsletter, although unfortunately it hasn’t been so regular this year! After a very wet winter, Spring has now arrived, and it is a perfect time to be out in the garden and to start to grow your own healthy organic food. It is also allergy time outside too so we give you some tips on reducing susceptibility to seasonal allergies!
Welcome to the March edition of our monthly newsletter and the first one for 2022!
Welcome to the December and Christmas issue of our monthly newsletter. The last few months have been difficult and even divisive for some, so we hope you will be able to enjoy a break over the holiday period. We wish you all the best for 2022 and we thank you all for your support in navigating new ways of trading.
Welcome to the November edition of our monthly newsletter. Staying well in these very challenging times is becoming more important than ever, and along with all the common sense things we are hopefully already doing including exercise, sunshine, rest and healthy eating, nutrients and herbs can be a supportive addition to your immune care.
Welcome to the October edition of our monthly newsletter. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and disempowered living in a time of a global pandemic with all the uncertainties and restrictions we are faced with.
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. At Cornucopia we have been open through all the Covid 19 alert levels as an Essential Service and we thank all our customers for your support.
Welcome to the August edition of our monthly newsletter. We are highlighting Fair Trade Fortnight for the next two weeks so I hope you will keep a look out for the Fair Trade logos on products, your support can change lives in developing countries! A reminder too that with Spring around the corner so too comes seasonal allergies, so a reminder of how to keep them at bay and to keep supporting your immunity!
Welcome to the July edition of our monthly newsletter and Plastic Free July! We have been promoting Plastic Free July for over 10 years now and most of our customers are pretty switched on when it comes to avoiding single use plastic. So this edition we thought we would focus on the compostable packaging we use in the shop, the products we sell in compostable packaging and how to shop waste free at Cornucopia!
Welcome to Winter! Here in Hawke’s Bay after a beautiful Autumn, winter has arrived! In this edition we are continuing with more advice on supporting immunity by looking at the role that our gut microbiome plays in our overall health.
Welcome to the May edition of our monthly newsletter. As we head into the colder months, it is important to look after our health in order to stay well through the winter and this month we are focusing on what we can all do simply to improve our digestion in order to support our immunity, especially focusing on herbal teas.
Welcome to the Autumn edition of our newsletter. The weather definitely feels quite Autumnal especially with the clocks going back and the evenings drawing in. This change of season can often bring sniffles and colds so we have some advice and top foods to support your immune system and stay well. Plus some information on Autumn seed saving to encourage you to save those seeds!
Welcome to the March edition of our monthly newsletter. With Summer officially over, but the weather still warm and sunny, now is the perfect time to sow your Autumn and winter garden if you haven’t already started. We have some Autumn gardening tips and also some suggestions for finding calm and coping with the uncertainties and changes in everyday life in this Covid world.
Welcome to the February edition of our monthly newsletter and the first one for the year. Most of us are in back to school and work routines again but we hope you are still enjoying this lovely summer weather . This is such a wonderful time of year for summer produce, and with the hot summer weather we have been having we thought we would focus on the importance of keeping well hydrated with organic vegetables and fruit, so read on for lots of tips and information.
Welcome to the December edition of our newsletter. Thank you so much to all our customers for supporting us through such a challenging year. It has been a hard year for many and we are certainly trying to do things simpler in our daily lives and live with more gratitude. So we encourage you to keep Christmas simple, to enjoy time with your family and friends and to find local and New Zealand made gifts to support our local economy and community.
Welcome to our November issue, this year is rolling along so fast, Spring is here with warmer weather, Spring greens are in the garden and as our thoughts start to turn to summer and the end of the year there is some sunscreen advice too.
Welcome to the October edition of our monthly newsletter. It is Spring and traditionally the time to get inspired in the garden!
Welcome to our September newsletter. This month with Spring in the air we are celebrating all things organic with a focus on Organic Week. Worldwide, organics is on the rise and this is no different in New Zealand, as we are all becoming more conscious of what we put into and onto our bodies.
Welcome to the August edition of our monthly newsletter. There are certainly the beginnings of Spring in the air and signs of pollen too!
Welcome to the July issue of our newsletter. While much of the focus has been on Covid 19 in the last few months, we at Cornucopia are still committed to trying to eliminate our plastic footprint and supporting our customers to do the same.
Welcome to our June newsletter. We hope you and your families have stayed well through the lockdown.
Welcome to our March edition and the beginning of Autumn! With the change of season and slightly cooler weather can comes coughs and colds and sniffles, and with all that is in the news about the Corona virus, we thought it was a good time to remind everyone how to help keep ourselves and our families free from viruses in general and keep our immune systems well boosted naturally.
Welcome to 2020 and our first newsletter for the year. We hope you have enjoyed a summer break and are managing to keep cool with this intense heat we have been having here in Hawkes Bay.
Here at Cornucopia we are trying to help you keep Christmas simple and to encourage our customers to find local and New Zealand made gifts that won’t cost the earth and will support you and our local economy too!
Welcome to our November newsletter. How quickly this year has gone, we hope you are managing to stay calm as we race towards the end of the year!
Welcome to the September edition of our Monthly Newsletter. Although the arrival of Spring means longer and lighter days, those beautiful blossoms can also mean runny noses and itchy eyes for some. Read on for a few tips to ease the season’s impact with simple dietary changes and get some info from our gardening gurus too!
Welcome to the August edition of our monthly newsletter. This year is flying by and Spring is definitely around the corner, although the cold winds are reminding us that winter is still with us!
Welcome to our July newsletter and Plastic Free July!
Welcome to our May Newsletter , we had a great week at the beginning of this month celebrating National Organic Week and profiling all the fabulous local organic businesses with in-store tastings and specials. Thank you to you all for supporting them and supporting us too.
Welcome to our April newsletter. The end of this month is the start of National Organic Week, so keep a look out for all things organic happening here in Hawke’s Bay and read on for more information. Easter will soon be upon us and we wanted to remind you that being an ethical consumer is important too when buying chocolate!
Welcome to Autumn! Yes it has definitely arrived, with cooler mornings and shorter days, but still some lovely warm weather. Check out the gardening advice from Jo Duff of Kahikatea Farms who grows our lovely perennial plants and herbs and learn more about our packaging too.
Welcome back to our monthly newsletters for 2019. I hope you have all managed to get a break over January and to enjoy the hot weather we have been having. As the year starts to run away with us again we hope you are all set for another year with all that it may bring, and we wish you all the very best for 2019, and thank you for your custom and support.
Welcome to our December newsletter and the countdown to Christmas.
Welcome to November, the warmer weather has arrived in earnest, even though it is still technically Spring, so we thought this month we would focus on keeping sunsmart and some recipes and tips for summer.
Last month we focused on Spring allergies and Spring gardening and now that the warmer weather is finally here, many of you may be thinking of doing a bit of a detox. Spring cleaning is great for our homes and can be for beneficial for our bodies and minds too!
Welcome to Spring! It is officially here and with the warmer weather comes pollen, sneezing and runny noses if you have a susceptibility to hay fever and airborne allergens. Well we have some good advice for those allergy sufferers and also some tips from our two awesome gardening gurus who deliver our wonderful seedlings.
This month is Plastic Free July. And while the idea of not buying any single use plastic for a month might seem daunting, we've made it easier by compiling a list of everyday staples and their non- plastic substitutes. Also specials on Shopping bags, Stainless steel straws, Beeswax wraps and more!
Welcome to the mid-winter edition of our monthly newsletters. We are certainly having a good deal of cold, wet and wintry weather and it’s not even the shortest day yet! This month we are focusing on immunity and support for those winter coughs and colds with ideas for delicious and therapeutic herbal teas.
Last Month from 9th -15th April, New Zealand celebrated its first ever Organic Week. The idea was to showcase to the wider public the diverse and wide ranging organic products, producers, growers and suppliers here in Aotearoa. At Cornucopia we wanted to highlight and showcase what is happening locally, with the abundant number of organic suppliers.
Autumn is officially here! The mornings are cooler but our Hawkes Bay days are still warm and sunny. This year the Autumn equinox falls on March the 21st, the equinox is the halfway point between the summer and winter solstices when the light and dark or day and night are close to equal duration. It is also a time when our immune systems can be challenged with changing weather, and the transition to cooler nights and lower temperatures.
Welcome to 2018 - well here we are again, ready or not for another year! We hope you have enjoyed a holiday and some quality family time and have been able to find ways to keep cool in this hot weather.
Well, here we are again at the end of another year and with all the hot and dry weather we have been having, it seems we are well and truly into summer.
Winter is definitely here, along with runny noses, sore throats and coughs. When the weather outside is rainy and cold it is important to keep warm. Our bodies naturally want a quieter pace in the winter months and a cold may be nature’s way of saying “slow down” It can also provide an opportunity to naturally detox as it is also a way our body gets rid of dead cells and an opportunity to recharge our immune system. So being sick isn’t all bad, and nurturing ourselves with natural remedies, immune boosting herbs and nourishing foods can recharge our immune system and help us to bounce back even healthier.
Christmas always seems to sneak up on us, and this year is no exception. Here at Cornucopia we are trying to keep Christmas simple and be aware of how we spend our money and what we buy for our family and friends.
Spring seems to have taken a while to arrive this year, but the blossoms are out and the weather is now getting warmer. In this edition we are looking at seasonal allergies as well as those suppliers who focus on garden products, growing and saving seeds.
Well we are now past the shortest day and the days are definitely lengthening. However once the solstice is past it usually seems to get colder and wetter! Matariki is shining in our winter skies and we hope you have enjoyed your own Matariki celebrations whatever they may be and with all the colds and flus around we wish you warmth and wellness this winter.
Hello to you all. Thankyou for reading our newsletters and for giving us your feedback, we really appreciate it. This newsletter is full of things you may need to know for deliveries over the Christmas and holiday period, so do read it carefully. We also have many gift ideas, from delicious organic foods and drinks and organic beer and wine to gardening products, skin care, cosmetics and baby clothing and a great range of books all with 20% off for Christmas. I am sure you will be shopping wisely, ethically and. sustainably this Christmas and remember to buy local to support your local economy and New Zealand made and Fair Trade too where you can!
Spring is traditionally the time to do a cleanse or a detox and this issue we are focusing on products to cleanse the body and support allergies. Although Spring is warmly welcomed by us all, for some it means the allergy season, with higher levels of pollen and increased wind causing sneezing and other unpleasant symptoms! So we hope you will find something of interest to support your health this Spring, as we profile a few different NZ companies who are making a difference. 
The days are getting longer, but it feels there is still a bit of winter left, so stay warm and hopefully free from ills and chills and we hope you enjoy our end of winter newsletter.
It is hard to imagine that winter is just around the corner as we continue to enjoy this beautiful Autumn weather. In this issue we want to bring your attention to what you are putting on your skin and also profile several of our local suppliers.
As it is such a busy time of year, this newsletter will be much shorter as I am sure you don’t have time for much reading as the countdown for Christmas continues. Do note our opening hours, bread deliveries, and raw milk deliveries over the festive season and try to shop wisely, ethically and locally this Christmas!
We have very much appreciated the feedback we have had from our first newsletter and hope you enjoy this spring edition. The daylight hours are getting longer and the cycle of growth is beginning once again. Spring is the perfect time for getting into shape, and doing a natural and healthy detox to help strengthen and cleanse our bodies and improve our immune system, especially if we are prone to allergies. The ground is getting warmer and it’s also time to get in the garden, so read on.
Impossible, we hear you say, finally a Cornucopia newsletter?! We’ve come up with plenty of excuses over the years…we don’t have the computer skills, we don’t have the time, we’ve been busy looking after our valued customers. BUT we’ve run out of excuses, so here it is – our first newsletter, 20 years in the making!
Don’t miss out on our future newsletters — get them in your inbox as soon as they’re written!